16 oz Poland Spring Water Bottle. Please redeem with the front desk.
Scan must be booked at least 24 hours in advance. Please redeem with the front desk.
Please redeem with the front desk.
$10 discount on pro shop purchase including items such as shirts, pants, wraps etc. totalling $10+. Also can be applied to juice bar items as long as the total is $10. Please redeem with the front desk.
Black IMPACT ZONE T-Shirt with white writing. Please redeem with the front desk.
Bring a friend to IZ for one day. Class may be taken (If your friend is interested in taking STRIKE ZONE, they must go through our mandatory onboarding first. Contact us for details). Please redeem with the front desk.
$25 discount on pro shop purchase including items such as shirts, pants, wraps etc. totalling $25+. Also can be applied to juice bar items as long as the total is $25.
1 Free personal training session. Session must be booked at least 24 hours in advance. (Can not be used for Devin, Aga, Dave, or Sheryl) Please redeem with the front desk.
1 Free personal training session. Session must be booked at least 24 hours in advance. Please redeem with the front desk.
Weekly meetings with our on-staff nutritionist for 1 month. Please redeem with the front desk.
1 Free month of IMPACT 1 which includes unlimited access to gym equipment and Group X classes. Please redeem with the front desk.
1 Free month of IMPACT 2 which includes unlimited access to gym equipment and SBD Zone. Please redeem with the front desk.